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Article: Inspirational Journal


Inspirational Journal

30 Days Of Joy, Stillness, Light, Visioning & Blooming

Inspirational Journal

The Hidden Good For Bynd Artisan

“The foolish man seeks happiness in the distance, the wise grows it under his feet.”

— James Oppenheim


In the end, all any of us wants is to be happy. That much we know. But what is happiness? That is the question. And where and how might one find it? We don’t have the answers, because that’s for you to discover, define, and to choose for yourself over and over again through the seasons of your life. But, like writer Margaret Lee Runbeck, we tend to agree that happiness “is not a state to arrive at, but a manner of travelling”.

In essence, happiness isn’t something that just happens. It takes courage, it takes work. It is a matter of choice.

Easy to preach, we realise. But practice, as it turns out, can make happiness less elusive and more accessible. We may not be happy all day every day, but there is happiness to be found each day in little moments of joy, stillness, light, visioning and blooming.

With the good people at The Hidden Good, we’ve put our heads and hearts together and created this beautiful set of Inspirational Journals — a pocket guide packed with 30 days of wisdom, inspiration, tips and ideas with which to nourish the soul, heart, mind and body; a great tool for anyone in search of a deeper, healthier and more sustainable relationship with happiness to build their own daily practices.

“Life is an incredibly beautiful journey that is full of ups and downs. Through these highs and lows, I’ve found that having daily practices that work for you can give you solid ground to stand on especially when the world around you feels unstable,” says Wu Jiezhen, board of director of  The Hidden Good. 

“Use the journal in a way that serves you: To reflect, to write down what you’re noticing about yourself and the world around you, to dream and envision possibilities, or just to scribble thoughts, ideas, hopes and lists that need a place to go,” adds our co-founder Winnie Chan.


The Inspirational Journal comes in five colours, each named after an intention/practice we believe to be a bedrock of happiness:
Light (Trust your process)
Still (The power of being)
Vision (Seeing differently)
Bloom (Grow slowly, blossom beautifully)
Joy (Uncover the joy within)


More Inspiration

In the spirit of spreading good energy, we invited five women who inspire us to give us a little glimpse into their inner garden: What inspires them? Which of the five words — Joy, Still, Light, Vision or Bloom — do they feel a special connection with at this moment? How are they overcoming the challenges that have come with 2020? 
Find out here.

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